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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Teething baby and Baby Fried Rice!!!

There have been multiple times since Alyssa was about 5 months that I have thought she was teething. Never was. But I SURE hope she is this time. Not because I want her to be in pain, but because I don't want something else to be wrong with her. She was actually surprising good and happy today. She even stayed with my cashier and the lifeguards for a while so mommy could work. But still usually in the evenings, especially when Joe isn't home, she is very clingy and just wants mommy to hold her and nurse. She wasn't today. Well she was at first, but then I remembered something I did when we were out at a restaurant for lunch a few weeks ago. She was chewing on everything so I held a piece of ice for her to suck on. Of course she loved it. So I looked in the diaper bag for a rag or something that I could put the ice in so she could suck on it. I didn't have a burp rag, but I did have a pair of her socks! I put the ice cube in her sock, tied it in a knot, and gave it to her. She LOVED it!! It was amazing! It kept her occupied and kept her happy. So this evening when I wanted to cook her dinner I went in to drawer and got one of her mismatched socks (not sure when I keep them even though the washer and dryer have eaten the other one...I bet your thinking, she's only 9 months old, how many mismatched socks could she have...out washer and dryer get hungry...) anyways...I got one of the socks, put an ice cube in it (wll 3 ice cubes, our ice maker makes small ice cubes) and gave it to her. She just crawler around and played while sucking on it. I think she likes it so much because  it is cold and she can suck the water out of it. I usually can never leave her in the living room and cook in the kitchen (I can see the living room from the kitchen, no worries...) But today I was able to make her dinner (see below for Baby Friend Rice) and clean up in the kitchen. It was amazing. She just crawled around sucking on her sock laughing and playing. It is my new favorite thing. And the best part is, when she is done I can just toss it in the wash. My (and Alyssa's) newest favorite thing...
Testing it out


Look mom, no hands!!!

Just playing, sucking on my sock <3
We don't usually use the baby gates too often, we are usually right there with her at all times, but today since she was being so good I wanted to put the gate so she couldn't go in the hall and I wouldn't be able to see her, especially since it was hot in the house so I wanted to keep our bedroom windows open to get the breeze to cool our rooms down. So I out the gate up in the hallway. I HATE it. We have the super cheap like $10 one from target. We got it for Mack a while ago, and just never got another one. It takes me forever to get it to fit. So once I fianlly got it to fit I decided to mark which little groove it goes in for the hallway. Look...
"H" is for hall, in case we use it somewhere else...
I was so proud of myself I just had to share. Not sure it other people have done this, but I thought it was pretty awesome!!! on to Alyssa's dinner tonight...something I will call Baby Fried Rice. I made her some rice yesterday, its kind of hard for her to eat it, but she is getting better. And I made a little to much so I have been thinking about what I can do with it. I decided to make her some Fried Rice, well not fried rice like you would normally think of but here is what I did.

I scrambled 2 eggs with a little bit of pepper and paprika. Then I grated a carrot and added some tiny cubed chicken from last night. I let it all warm up (wanted to carrots to get a little soft) then I added about 1/2 cup of rice. I let it all mix together to heat up the rice. I was thinking I wanted to add some flavor, but I didn't want to add soy sauce (she hasn't done too well with salt). I remembered I had put the water I used to steam her pears and apples from lunch in the fridge (I am saving the apple and pear flavored water to use when she has to have her MRI and can only drink clear liquids for 5 hours before). So I added about 2 tablespoons of the water to the rice and let it simmer.
Doesn't that look yummy?!?

Once all the liquid was gone I let it all cool a bit. Then it was dinner time...
She enjoyed it quite a lot! She made quite the mess with all the little tiny rice, but she appeared to like it!

So today was a good day. Even though she is teething, we are working through it and find things that help. I love her so much and hate to see her in pain. But I know it is just a stage, that she will continue to go through for the next few years, and now is the time to figure out what works for us!!

Thank for reading :)


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