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Friday, July 13, 2012

Its a success!!!

The bread experiment was success!! See...
Doesn't that look yummy?!?! Find the recipes I used on my previous blog here. I should have, and will next time, had more sweet--I will add applesauce and take out some oil. But I tried it and it wasn't bad, and Alyssa loved it for breakfast: 

But then again...she loves pretty much EVERYTHING, except peas :) She definitely proved to me that she is her daddy's daughter and really is Mexican, be it only 1/4 Mexican, but Mexican none the less, tonight when she ate ground beef, mexican rice (I even think it is a little spicy), cheese, and tortilla. 

But I think her things of today were hanging out with daddy for the day and her pureed peach and yogurt popsicle she had after dinner...I am pretty sure she is teething (I hope at least because she has been one grumpy baby the past few weeks, and its about time she got some teeth, she will be 9 months on Sunday)...

Sorry for all the pictures, but expect them, she is too darn cute not to sit here with the camera and take pictures. Every thing she does I want to capture and stare at- every cute little face, giggle, new "trick," grumpy face, and silly face all day long!! And you will probably see a LOT of pictures of her eating, I LOVE watching her eat. It showcases her progress and skills. Watching her use two fingers and pick up one little piece of food, that she usually searches for through all the food on her tray. She will go to pick up a piece then see another piece and go for that one. Or, like the other night, she had green beans, avocado, and cheese on her tray, she sat there and picked out every piece of cheese and ate them one after another. Then she got angry that there wasn't anymore cheese. Eventually she decided to eat the rest, but not after a little tantrum. Which we have come to expect with her. She already thinks she knows how to get what she wants. And we are trying very hard not to give in. It often shows itself when she finds something on the ground, or tries standing on something we don't want her to. If you take something away from her she will scream as soon as we take it. She will look at us ad scream, not a real cry, but a SCREAM! She will even lay on the ground and flair her arms and yell. It is pretty cute. And if we just ignore her she will eventually stop and crawl or scoot on to something else. 

But enough from me tonight. Hopefully I will get out to the garage to create tomorrow night. Academy of Sciences is planned for after her morning nap, that should be fun. I have been wanting to see the Earthquake exhibit and I think Alyssa will enjoy the aquarium (I know Joe will!!) 

Goodnight :) 

Katie <3

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