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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fun at The Academy of Sciences

Today we went to the Academy of Sciences at Golden Gate Park with my mom, nephew, brother, sister-in-law, and niece. It was SO much fun! Alyssa loves hanging out with her cousins! I can't wait for her to be a little older so she can play with them. They are all so stinkin' cute <3

But my favorite part of the day was watching Alyssa in amazement of the tanks! She just stood there and stared, and laughed, and loved it! Isn't she a cutie?!?!
I can't wait to do more fun things and watch her grown and learn! It was a fun day, but she was very grumpy and tired come 5pm. She is sounds asleep and I know she will sleep well tonight! 

On another note I got some super cute candle sticks as Marshall's the other day that are just waiting to be turn into cake stands for Alyssa's first birthday. My mission for tomorrow is to scope out the Goodwill and Walmart for some clear glass plates to go on top of the candles that I will cover with scrapbook paper. Here is the tutorial I will get to use hopefully tomorrow!! Can't wait! 

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