Etsy Shop: Kate and Aly

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Busy week!

It's been a few days, life of this part-time working/full-time momma has been busy!! I have accomplished a lot though. I made Alyssa banana bread in the bread machine! Recipe found here, I just used applesauce from 2 apples I made and only a splash of milk (I meant to use yogurt, but I guess I forgot). It isn't too bad. Alyssa had it for breakfast this morning and loved it! It is a little moist, I think from the applesauce instead of sugar, but it is perfect for her, I even find it pretty tasty!! 

And I loved watching her pick through the mango to get a piece of the bread...
Doesn't her face just show how tasty it must be!!!

Since Alyssa doesn't really let us feed her anymore (she's a big girl...duh!!!) I feel like I have been giving her the same finger foods, so the other day Joe was making salmon (which she has had, just in a puree) and I had him make an extra one (we buy it at Costco and portion it in the freezer). She absolutely LOVED it! I put the first piece on her tray and as soon as she put it in her mouth she was reaching for another piece. She was picking it out of the rest of her dinner (pasta and bell pepper) to eat it all! She is SO her daddy's daughter (I HATE fish!!!) But I am glad that she isn't picky like me- makes life much easier! 

Happy Crafter: Joann's in Hayward is moving to San Leandro (happy dance). So The Hayward store is selling all their fabric at 50-75 % off. 
This was my third trip and they were no longer cutting fabric, you had to "Buy the Bolt." I got $200 of fabric for $50. SCORE!!! And the past 2 times I have gone  I have gotten around $100 of fabric for $50. I have quite the stock-pile of fabric now! But Joe doesn't have to know quite how much I have :) I will be having fun thats for sure!!! Plenty of things I have in mind I NEED to make! 

Another exciting thing that has happened these past few days...we got Alyssa a helmet and bike seat! She LOVES it! She is so cute with her little helmet on! I am so excited that we have something else we can do as a family now! Especially since we live so close to the Marina we can just ride over there (she gets a little fussy on the way back when we walk, but it is too close to drive). Check her out though, isn't she a cutie pie (her dad isn't too bad looking either). 

Joe had the day off today, so we decided that when Alyssa went to sleep we would drink some wine and go out to my craft room (aka the garage) so he could finish her birthday banner (he started it last week) and I could sew. The banner is adorable! I found the tutorial here. A few weeks ago Joe and I cut a big piece of butcher paper and painted a bunch of huge squares of different colors to cut HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALYSSA on. Here is a sneak peak, I think it is going to be ADORABLE!!! 
I am so proud of Joe who figured out how to use my Cricut! He really liked being able to help make the banner. And I know I don't have to worry about it being messed up, because he is so scared of messing up that he is try super hard to be perfect. 
He is so serious!!! Thanks hunny!!!

And just a cool picture Joe took of some of the dots for the banner. 

Like I said above, while he worked on the banner I sewed. I am making a dress for Alyssa to wear to my friends kids birthday's. She has two little ones whose birthday's are 3 weeks apart so they are having their parties together. Victoria will be turing 3 and Rudy will be 2. The these is Rudy and the Neverland Pirates and Toribell. They always come up with cute party themes to incorporate the kids names. Last year was Tori Story and Rudy's Roundup. Anyways...I found some lime green corduroy-ish fabric with Tinkerbell and butterflies on it. Here is the top I started...
I almost had the dress finished (just had to add the straps) when our little princess woke up screaming! So that ended couples wine and craft time. It took Alyssa almost 2 hours to fall back asleep. I tried everything (except nursing, since I had drank wine, of course, the one night I drink wine in weeks she can't sleep). I tried rocking her, laying with her in our bed, rubbing her back, letting her cry...Finally she fell asleep. Her poor little gums must be hurting BAD! I hate it! I wish I could take all her pain away. And I feel horrible that we fianlly gave her Tylenol. I had already rubbed alL Natural Orajel on her gums and that wasn't helping. But I am glad that she finally was able to get back to sleep and I just hope that she sleeps well the rest of the night. We all need our sleep! 

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