Etsy Shop: Kate and Aly

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Alyssa hasn't had any bread yet (because I haven't made any) so the other day my mom's side of the family got together to play Bocce Ball (my aunt was here visiting before they move back  to the East Coast from Japan). My grandmother is notorious for always having "stuff" to give us all. I was joking with Joe that I should call my grandma before she comes to the Bay from Sacramento and ask her if she had a bread maker. He said "NO!" because when you ask for something you pretty much always get MORE then you asked for. Well I didn't call but before everyone was leaving she pulled our her bag of "stuff" she had for some of us. Let me just say that none of this "stuff" is anything anyone necessarily wants or asked her for, but she thinks we need it. I ended up with a little flower headband for Alyssa and a purple (I get a lot of "stuff" because my favorite color is purple, so is hers) cube candle. When she was done passing out the "treasures" I jokingly asked if she had a bread maker in there and she look up and said, "NO. Why? Do you want one?" I said yes, and she said she had two at home somewhere and she would find one for me and when would I be in Sacramento to get it...haha....very typical of my grandma. Well my aunt who is here visiting from Japan/Virginia was in Sacramento and was coming to the Bay Area and emailed me and told me she had a bread maker, pasta maker, and toaster for me from my grandma (like I said, MORE then I asked for).

 So that whole story just to share that I am sitting at the kitchen table writing this while I smell the bread cooking!

Let me start by saying that I have never used a bread machine, or made my own bread (other then banana bread). The machine didn't come with the instruction manual (but I found it online). I found two recipes on Pinterest (links below) that I used as a guide and made my own tweaks, to suit my needs. It took a while to find one I would use because a lot of them called for honey and babies can't have honey.  Alyssa also hasn't had any processed sugar (I use homemade applesauce and grated apples in her oat pancakes) so that was the major tweak I had to make. I just decided to juice an apple and see how it would work- I can't say if it has worked or not yet because the bread isn't done, but the yeast foamed and the dough rose so I am hopeful.
 Also, I haven't given her vegetable or olive oil (I make her tortillas from a recipe I found here which uses avocado oil)  Here is a picture of the ingredients I used for the bread:

The other tweak I did was I used 1 cup all purpose flour and 2 cups whole wheat flour. 

Here is the link to the recipe I used for the bread machine part and this is the recipe I used for the wheat/all purpose flour idea) I am hoping that the bread works and is hour and fifty minutes until I find out!!! 

And here is the dough while it was kneading (it was fun to watch!!)

And here is Alyssa watching mommy make the bread...

She was rather patient, she usually won't sit there once she is done eating, but it could have been the whole large mango, half an avocado, and sweet potato/cheese quesadilla she ate! 

One hour and forty minutes to go!!! I guess I will put the dishes away and find other ways to keep myself busy until it is done! I will share good or bad once it is done! 

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