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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year/Photo of the Day: Day 1

We were so blessed in 2012! I can't even imagine what we can expect in 2013! I do know that I am happy I have the most precious little toddler and most amazing husband to share the year with! 

A little while ago I was browsing pinterest and found a pin for a blog's post called "Project 365 in 2013". I checked it out and have decided I will be doing it! I got my Canon DSLR last year for Christmas and used it SO much when Alyssa was smaller...I took pictures of EVERYTHING she did! But after reading this blog I realized I hadn't been using my camera very much on a regular basis. I mean, I used it for special events, but not on a regular basis to take pictures of Alyssa just being Alyssa. So this year I will take and post a picture of Alyssa on here EVERY day, along with anything else I feel like sharing for the day! 

Day 1: January 1, 2013

Happy New YEAR :)
I wanted to get a good picture of her with the hat on to send to our parents as a Happy New Year Picture, she was NOT having the soon as I put it on she started to cry. I couldn't help but to take a picture. She is pretty stinking CUTE :) 
I love her. Hopefully I will take more everyday type of pictures after today...this was just too cute to pass up. 

In other news...I saw this really cute pin on pinterest about a lady who planned a day a month for her and her husband. She gave them to him for Christmas or his birthday in an envelope for each  month. I thought this was the best idea ever!! The lady in the post pre-paid for all the dates and had them planned out pretty well. I decided not to pre-pay for them...that would be expensive (Joe doesn't like expensive). So I just picked 12 different dates, put them on card, put them in envelopes and mixed them up and then wrote a month on each. We will open each months envelope on the first of the month. This month we opened....Nightlife at the California Academy of Sciences. It's from 6-10 at night every Thursday. It looks like it will be ALOT of fun! We have always wanted to go. I think we decided to go next hopefully Grandma can babysit! Can't wait to post all about it next week!!

So...until our photo of the day tomorrow....

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