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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Days 5 & 6: Happy baby

I love my daughter. I fell in love with her the moment I found out I was pregnant. I never thought I would be able to love her anymore then I did at that very moment. But since that day I think my heart has grown a little each day in order to fit a little bit more love. Still today, I will look at her and just think how lucky I am. Not only do I have the most supportive, loving, caring, understanding, hardworking husband, I also have the MOST precious daughter. My favorite part of the day is sitting on the living room floor and watching her play. She will walk around and play with different toys, move things around, come up to my and sit on my lap, walk by me and pucker her lips and lean towards me when she wants a kiss, burry her head in my lap to cuddle, and giggle at just about everything. Her smile gives me chills. It reminds me how great life is. It makes me want to wake up every morning and work as hard as I can for her and our family. It reminds me how good people are. It brings me joy and makes everything negative seems so insignificant. It reminds me to love others and always look for the good, because it is there...

Bath time is one of the few times that Joe gets to spend time with Alyssa during the week since he works 5 AM-5 PM. Sometimes though I hang out in the bathroom with them because she is so stinking cute (and I don't get to see my husband a lot during he week). I realized that we hadn't taken any pictures of her in the bath since she has been in the big girl bath. She enjoys bath time so much more now that she can move around. She LOVES it! Can't you tell? 
Day 5

This is from one of my favorite times of the day. This was todays after lunch right before her nap. Usually she is ready for her nap right after lunch of close to it. But today she just wanted to play. Usually when I ask her is she is ready to take a nap she will give Mack and kiss and then walk to her room. Today though, when I asked if she was ready for a nap she shook her head no and kept playing. So I let her. She was having quite the fun time. First she found Joe's wallet and put it in the trunk of her car. Then she out my scarf on. This picture was taken after she took the scarf off of her face, which is how she usually wears them. We aren't sure why, but she will find pretty much anything lying around, especially my scarves, and put them over her head and face and walk around and giggle and play. She will run into things (and the dog) and she just laughs. It is a rather good time for us as we watch. BEfore bed time today she was doing the same thing with my scarf. Then she found one of her hoodies and covered her face with it. That was a little more dangerous because she couldn't see anything at all and it was hard for her to take it off. I am sure she will grow out of this eventually, but we are enjoying it will it lasts :) 
Day 6

Friday, January 4, 2013

Days 3 & 4

I realized earlier today that I never finished my upload yesterday. OUr internet has been very slow lately. I started uploading to my blog yesterday and then decided to do the dishes while I waited. I forgot about it and just went to bed. So here is day 3 and 4. 

Alyssa LOVES the stampers she got in her Christmas stocking. She will sit next to that poster board and just stamp it over and over again. Yesterday she was stamping then got her legos out and starting playing with them. She kept putting them on her head and trying to get them to stay there (I do that with her sometimes and she thinks it is hilarious) It is amazing how she is already repeating SO many things that she sees us do. The other day Joe said she pick up my hair straightener (which was unplugged) and put it up to her head like she was straightening her hair :) My favorite thing by far that she goes though is call for the dog. At first I realized that she started doing a kissing sound to call for him and patting her leg. I realized that is how I call for Mack. She will go to the back door and kiss and part her leg if he is outside. Recently She started standing at the back down stomping her foot, kissing, and patting her leg. I realized that when I want Mack to come in the house, but he won't, I tap my foot on the ground which usually gets him to come in the house. The pace at which she is learning is amazing! We have one SMART cookie on our hands :) 
Day 3

One thing we have been trying to "teach" Alyssa lately is cleaning up her toys. It doesn't always turn out successfully, but I know it is a lifelong lesson she needs to learn. We don't always remember to have her clean them up at the end of the night, life kind of gets in the way. But I try to always remember to do it. Daddy usually cleans up the most, which I tell him he needs to slow down and let her do more, but she is helping so I know she understands. She might put some toys away then take a few out, but it is the process and idea of cleaning that she is learning. 
Day 4
Nothing else too exciting here with us. But watching Alyssa grow and learn is WAY more exciting then anything I could imagine. I have realized that with all the exciting of everyday life I may not post everyday, but I will take pictures everyday and hopefully post at least every other day. I am happy that I am capturing our every day lives and taking time to reflect on them- that is already seeming to be more beneficial then I imagined. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Couch to 5K- Mermaid Run: Day 2

My husband, Joe, is pretty much a super hero :) Last March he started running. His goal was to run a half-marathon with his dad in November (His dad started running a few years ago but Joe little sister, Cierra runs, and is pretty fast!!) Joe started and really got in to it. He ended up being ready to run a half-marathon in June. He did ok, I was super proud of him! He knew he wanted to do better and did another one in August. He did MUCH better in August. By November he decided he wanted to run the marathon instead of the half-marathon. He did SO well! I was (and still am) SO incredibly proud of him. He looked and felt better after the marathon then he did after his first half. It has been amazing to watch him get into it, enjoy it, and feel better. I decided that I wanted to start running a few months ago. I did it for a while, I got this app, Couch to 5K. I really enjoyed it...but then Alyssa's first birthday began taking up ALL of my extra time. Then it was the holidays. I know...excuses excuses, but when you are making ALL gifts and have SO much to do, running didn't come first. 

I finally decided to start it again today. It felt good. I knew I wanted my photo of the day to have something to do with running, so here are my running shoes. I love my shoes. Not only are they pretty cute ;) but they are super comfy. I have never had the best luck with buying feet have always been a little wide, but after Alyssa I couldn't fit in regular shoes anymore. One day while shopping I went into Lady Footlocker and told the lady my problem and she had me try these on. They are magical! They fit great and I don't have certain pains I was having wearing my old shoes. 

I knew I wanted to start running (jogging) again but didn't want it to be a new years resolution because I want to be a role model for Alyssa. I want to he healthy and happy for her. I want it to be something I enjoy doing and doesn't feel like a chore or something I have to do. I do have a goal though...Mermaid Run 5K!!! I can't wait for it! I know it is a ways away, so my goal is to run the 5K, but maybe I will be ready for the 10K by then. But I want it to be something I enjoy, so I will be perfectly happy with the 5K. 

I hope I can be someone Alyssa looks up to in ALL aspects of my life. I love her and want to be around for her and Joe for AS long as I can! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year/Photo of the Day: Day 1

We were so blessed in 2012! I can't even imagine what we can expect in 2013! I do know that I am happy I have the most precious little toddler and most amazing husband to share the year with! 

A little while ago I was browsing pinterest and found a pin for a blog's post called "Project 365 in 2013". I checked it out and have decided I will be doing it! I got my Canon DSLR last year for Christmas and used it SO much when Alyssa was smaller...I took pictures of EVERYTHING she did! But after reading this blog I realized I hadn't been using my camera very much on a regular basis. I mean, I used it for special events, but not on a regular basis to take pictures of Alyssa just being Alyssa. So this year I will take and post a picture of Alyssa on here EVERY day, along with anything else I feel like sharing for the day! 

Day 1: January 1, 2013

Happy New YEAR :)
I wanted to get a good picture of her with the hat on to send to our parents as a Happy New Year Picture, she was NOT having the soon as I put it on she started to cry. I couldn't help but to take a picture. She is pretty stinking CUTE :) 
I love her. Hopefully I will take more everyday type of pictures after today...this was just too cute to pass up. 

In other news...I saw this really cute pin on pinterest about a lady who planned a day a month for her and her husband. She gave them to him for Christmas or his birthday in an envelope for each  month. I thought this was the best idea ever!! The lady in the post pre-paid for all the dates and had them planned out pretty well. I decided not to pre-pay for them...that would be expensive (Joe doesn't like expensive). So I just picked 12 different dates, put them on card, put them in envelopes and mixed them up and then wrote a month on each. We will open each months envelope on the first of the month. This month we opened....Nightlife at the California Academy of Sciences. It's from 6-10 at night every Thursday. It looks like it will be ALOT of fun! We have always wanted to go. I think we decided to go next hopefully Grandma can babysit! Can't wait to post all about it next week!!

So...until our photo of the day tomorrow....