Etsy Shop: Kate and Aly

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Busy busy busy

The past week has been the busiest week ever!! We went to San Diego last weekend for my step-sisters wedding, which was a blast!! Alyssa had her first plane ride and was such a big girl! She slept half the way there and the whole way back!! I have to give her credit for the way back because it had been a very long weekend for her. She was up late every night and it was warm and humid. So we were very proud of her! She also went in the ocean for the first time!! That was fun. She sat in the sand and just loved it!!

2 days after getting back from San Diego we went to Sacramento for the night. Alyssa had another hard night there, but she had a great day! I took her swimming at my aunts, she met her first horse, goat, turkey, duck, rooster, and hen at my other aunts farm, and she finally met Bryson, our good friends Brent and Katrina's little boy who is just one and a half months younger!! Joe has the picture of Alyssa and the horse on his phone so I will have to post later. She also got to ride a rocking horse at the farm.

So as you can tell we have been busy!! But things ate slowing down now so I have to get into birthday planning for the little princess!!! I have all sorts of things to do...staring with working on the guest list...which is daunting since my family is SO big!! I feel bad inviting too many friends since my family is so big and the party will be at my dads house. But what can I say...Alyssa is a popular girl!!! But I will make sure ALL if her little boy friends are there :)

I am going to rest as much as possible this weekend, Joe is working the raider game today so Alyssa and I are going to the mall, hope we don't get into too much trouble, then just hanging out the rest of the day. Tomorrow- church, backpack shopping with Cameron and BBQ with my mom and family!! It has already started off as a great weekend (baby is napping!!) and will hopefully continue to be grand!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Now Open!

It's official! My Etsy shop has opened! Check it out at Kate and Aly . It has been something I have wanted to do for a long time, like since I first discovered Etsy and bought my apron years ago. Alyssa was just the inspiration I needed to get myself going! I am so grateful for her and all the blessings in my life! Alyssa was my inspiration and Joe is my support. I would be NOTHING without the two of them!!!

Now I know everyone reading doesn't have a baby girl, but I am sure you all know someone who does or will soon! My shop doesn't have much in it yet, but I am just starting! Just you wait!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Etsy? Yes Please!!! has been quite awhile since my last post! Having a (soon-to-be) 10-month old is a rather busy job!! But summer (at work) is finally over as of today, so I will have MUCH more time on my hands...well hopefully not...since I am in the process of opening an Etsy Shop!!! It is something I have wanted to do for a LONG time and am finally doing it! I am SO excited!!! And Joe has been very supportive which is a big help and burst of encouragement. Hopefully my shop will be open tonight, but it is taking FOREVER to upload the it might not...but either way it will def happen before Alyssa's first birthday, which was my goal!! GO ME!!! 

In other news...Alyssa had her MRI last week and we go get the results tomorrow...I am very nervous...but I know it is in God's hands and whatever the results, it is his will!! I just want to know, but it has been a great test of patience and faith. My sewing has been a great distraction...and Alyssa having a little tummy flu has also been a distraction (very fussy and not sleeping well, which lasted 1 week, and is over now...) 

We are excited and looking forward to my step-sister, Melinda, tie the knot with her fiance Rolando in San Diego this Friday. We are flying down on Thursday (Alyssa's first plane ride!!) and will come home on Saturday. I am excited to enjoy some time with family, time to relax, and time to have fun!!! 

Lastly...I uploaded the pictures for my Etsy shop earlier today and found these pictures I took of Alyssa a few weeks ago...

Isn't she adorable?!?! I just love looking at her! And these pictures turned out so perfect!!! She is such a musician...and she looks great in her cute dress mommy made her! 

Pictures finally uploaded...I am  now going to open my shop!! YAY me!!!