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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Always be joyful...

WHOA! It has literally almost been a year since I last posted. And I seriously haven't thought about blogging in a LONG time. But I have been thinking about it over the last few weeks. So here goes...

Don't have much to write on today...besides being stuck in the house ALL week potty training little miss. I have had to get very creative with how we spend out day. I looked at the clock this morning and swore it was lunch time...but it was only 9:30am. We have sort of been playing in stations. She will want to color and cut for a little bit in the kitchen on the floor...then she will have to go potty and will then get distracted after and go to her room and want to read books in her house...then she will go get a book from the living room and play in her kitchen for a little bit. Then she will be the markers and "cutters" in the kitchen and will want to do that again. And around and around it went this morning. It was fun. Luckily she will do the same thing over and over again and love it still the same, she just wants a lot of attention so I am the only person she has been getting it from all week. I was just thinking that I need to do something productive this week...

I have been feeling a little cramped in our house lately. It is small. I am not complaining, just stating the truth. And I realized things had gotten a bit out of control. The hall closet was a DISASTER. The shelves around the entertainment center were cluttered, our closet was a mess, and the half of a shelf which houses Alyssa's dishes, cups, and such was completely unorganized. I have slowly been working though the "messes" that are driving me crazy. I no longer open up the hall closet and have a mini panic attack. I can find Alyssa's cups, and I enjoy looking at the TV again. I guess I just needed this time to focus on what was stressing me out. 

I also realized that I really want to work on my blog. I do so many different little projects, crafts, cooking and want to share but I am not usually organized enough to do that. So I hope I can work on that. I didn't really set any resolutions this year because I want to be motivated by myself to do the things I want to do, not the fact that I haven't lived up to a goal I set. And I am working on focusing on what God wants for me and our family, not that I want to lose weight, blog more, or whatever. 

I know that I need God, and he will help me to live a life that I am happy with. I decided to have a "year verse." A piece of scripture that will help guide me through the year and years to come:

"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18